Web Design
Graphic Design
Google Ads
Social Media Ads
Search Optimization
Five 15, and Pronto Bar/Lounge in Royal Oak came to us to help get their digital media and marketing organized. We helped them create a structure that works, and then began to manage their social media, website, online Square presence, and pay-per-click advertising.
“We love the work we get!
– Gary Baglio, Owner
Every website we make is responsive as a rule. Responsiveness is ensuring that all the elements show on mobile devices – we elevate that and make it the same or a similar experience on mobile as desktop.
Pronto! had a fractured social media account. We decided to start from scratch. Our strategy includes posting various content types – and lots of reels, and stories. We’ve locally, and organically grown the account since November of 2021 (images from February 2022)
You can find us in Pontiac, Michigan