There are five critical but straightforward things you can do to give your Facebook presence a jump start. Don’t overlook these very simple ways to improve your business page.
#1. Improve Presentation
You can start by making sure your Facebook page is clean and presentable. It’s a massive piece of your social media puzzle; think of a time when you clicked on a page, and it was just a hot mess. It turned you off, right? Make sure that all pictures, (profile, header, featured), are relevant and appealing. Keep photos clean and high quality, (no clutter, pixelated or dull images). Also, avoid low-quality videos. You want visitors to return to your page, what you deliver must be great.

#2. Keep your Facebook page accurate and up to date.
The information on your page (contact, hours, button links) must be exact and up to date. Complete the “About,” and “Our Story” sections. And always put reviews as a top-billed tab. This information gives validation and trust for your brand.
#3. Complete every section and use the best pictures possible.
In the example, the photos complement the page, are attractive, high-quality, and are relevant to the audience. This is that sizzle to the steak you need. With the right photos and imagery, visitors will always want more. Be thorough when completing these sections. Some people will read everything; others won’t – cater to those that read everything (but use pictures for the headline readers).

#4. Content is everything – speak to your audience.
When publishing content, keep your audience in mind. The language and images you choose can have a tremendous impact on your results. Don’t talk down to your audience, and always make them feel welcome and wanted.
#5. Substantial posts and connecting content
Make sure your posts have substance. You can use humor, emojis, or even exciting but brief stories. Come up with unique ways your audience can connect with your content. You want to express your ideas in a way that they understand and will appreciate. Post substance is very effective at fueling wholesome engagement. Have a look at this to learn more about Content Marketing.

But wait! There’s more! Speaking to your audience is more than just words. Use your words and images to create a memorable connection. I couldn’t come up with a good flower = content metaphor. But your content is like a flower; the best will always stand out.
Facebook Resources.
Facebook Page Image Sizes from Have Camera, Will Travel. This is a great guide to help you remember to optimize your images for Facebook, and the size requirements for each image type.
Facebook Our Story Section from Eli Rose. This is an excellent guide on how to improve your Facebook Page Our Story section.